While walking about downtown Dunedin, we admired the street art. There are 25+ works on the Dunedin Street Art Trail, and here are a few. http://dunedinstreetart.com/
Early this morning while lying awake in bed, I did some mental math and realized I will be retiring from my career in IT almost exactly 30 years from the day I started my first job out of college. It is a bittersweet experience. While I’m excited about the next chapter in my life and our big adventure moving to Idaho, I’m also sad to bring my IT career to a close and leave my work family. I have spent 40+ hours per week for the last 30 years solving problems, writing code, implementing systems, learning new technologies, meeting with customers, counseling staff, reading email, and attending way too many meetings. To help me through this change, I started thinking about all the things I won’t miss, like those meetings. People compliment me on my copious note-taking in meetings. Here’s the truth, I started taking notes in boring meetings to keep from falling asleep and then it just became a habit. I started with legal pads and saved the loose l...