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Thoughts on Retiring

Early this morning while lying awake in bed, I did some mental math and realized I will be retiring from my career in IT almost exactly 30 years from the day I started my first job out of college.  It is a bittersweet experience.  While I’m excited about the next chapter in my life and our big adventure moving to Idaho, I’m also sad to bring my IT career to a close and leave my work family.  I have spent 40+ hours per week for the last 30 years solving problems, writing code, implementing systems, learning new technologies, meeting with customers, counseling staff, reading email, and attending way too many meetings. To help me through this change, I started thinking about all the things I won’t miss, like those meetings.  People compliment me on my copious note-taking in meetings.  Here’s the truth, I started taking notes in boring meetings to keep from falling asleep and then it just became a habit.  I started with legal pads and saved the loose l...

Be Our Guest

We spent the majority of our day working on the guest room flooring.  An early morning trip into Coeur d’Alene (CDA from now on because it’s easier to type) for more flooring and assorted supplies at Home Depot.  You can’t go into town without a trip to Home Depot to buy and/or return stuff. Yesterday we pulled up all the carpet, pad and tack strip and filled the holes in the floor of the guest room.  This morning we rolled out contact adhesive around the perimeter of the room and closet.  Then we just started slapping down the vinyl planks.  The center of the room was done in no time, but cutting the planks for the ends, edges and doorways took a few hours.  It looks much better than the original gray indoor/outdoor that was there originally.  We will paint and install new base boards when we return in March. Empty with indoor/outdoor carpet Contact adhesive applied New flooring Today I noticed that I would walk from room to room ...

We Have Arrived in Idaho

On December 30, 2017, we closed on our new house in Idaho.  We sent 2 out of 3 PODs worth of our stuff to Idaho in the first week of January, and now we are spending a week in Idaho.  We had great plans of arriving on Saturday afternoon and having a few hours to unpack our bed and necessities before sundown.  Yeah, that didn’t happen.  Our flight from Sacramento to Spokane was delayed an hour and a half.  The sun was going down as we raced from the airport to Home Depot to get a couple lamps, an extension cord and a snow shovel before heading to our new house in Worley, Idaho. There was a tiny bit of light left when we drove up the driveway.  Our new neighbor, Kyle, stopped by and gave us the lowdown on how he had plowed our driveway for the delivery of our PODs.  Kyle was very nice and we truly appreciated his efforts.   Kyle is a busy guy this time of year as he has a trapline that needs to be tended to every 72 hours.  Unfortunately, ...